前 言

此 詐 騙 警 報 網 頁 列 出 律 師 會 收 到 或 獲 報, 有 關 詐 騙 網 站、 電 子 郵 件 或 其 他 通 訊 方 式 使 用 有 偽 造 律 師 行 或 律 師 / 外 地 律 師 的 資 料 或 虛 假 聯 繫 方 式 的 虛 假 律 師 行 信 箋, 或 欺 詐 請 求 法 律 援 助 等 個 案。 本 頁 面 的 閱 覽 者, 須 知 此 列 表 的 內 容 並 非 詳 盡 無 遺, 他 們 應 採 取 其 認 為 合 適 的 所 有 步 驟 來 確 認 他 們 正 在 接 觸 的 一 方 的 真 實 身 份, 以 及 相 關 通 訊 真 實 可 靠。

在 聘 請 律 師 行 或 律 師 / 外 地 律 師 時, 您 可 以 在 合 適 的 情 況 下, 通 過 律 師 會 網 站 內 「找 尋 法 律 服 務」、 「調 解 服 務」 或 「仲 裁 服 務」 頁 面 提 供 的 資 料, 核 實 其 執 業 內 容, 以 核 對 有 關 律 師 行 或 律 師 / 外 地 律 師 是 否 名 副 其 實。 您 還 應 自 行 進 行 盡 職 調 查, 例 如 通 過 可 靠 的 方 式 直 接 聯 繫 法 律 界 名 錄 中 列 出 的 律 師 行 或 律 師 / 外 地 律 師。

任 何 與 詐 騙 警 報 中 的 經 受 者 有 任 何 交 易 的 人 都 應 該 向 警 方 報 案。
Fraudulent website and social media pages purporting to be Mayer Brown (19 December 2023)

The attention of Messrs. Mayer Brown (孖士打律師行) (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, has been drawn to a fictitious website (https://kjcq8.com) bearing the name of “Mayer Brown” (“Website”), a name card purportedly issued by “Mayer Brown (美亚博律师事务所)” for an “Adriel Wong律师” (“Card”) and a Facebook page profiled under the name of “Mayer Law Firm (美亚博国际律师事务所)” (“Facebook Page”) soliciting clients for legal services.  The Website, the Card and the Facebook Page state real office addresses of the Firm. 

This Firm confirmed that the Website, the Card and the Facebook Page do not belong to the Firm and that persons purporting to be lawyers of the Firm are not lawyers of the Firm.  

There is no law firm under the name of “美亚博律师事务所” or “Mayer Law Firm (美亚博国际律师事务所)” in the Law Society’s Law List.  

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fake website purporting to be a law firm BC&C (13 December 2023)

The attention of Boase Cohen & Collins (布高江律師行) (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a website (https://nh-kq.mx/) claiming to be a law firm under the name of “BC & C (布高江律師行) Boase Cohen & Collins” (“Website”). 

The Website displays contact numbers of four lawyers, namely: 陳律師, 蕭律師, 林律師 and 鐘律師.   

The Firm’s attention was also drawn to four WhatsApp accounts (“WhatsApp Accounts”) claiming to be the accounts respectively of

  • “布高江律師事務所: 陳律師” and displaying the photo of Mr Chan Chung Fai Arthur (陳琮輝), a solicitor registered with the Law Society and a solicitor of the Firm;
  • “布高江師事務所: 蕭律師” and displaying the photo of Mr Siu Kit Chung (蕭傑聰), a solicitor registered with the Law Society and a solicitor of the Firm;
  • “布高江律師事務所: 林律師” and displaying the photo of Mr Lam Yung Wah, Teddy (林容華), a solicitor registered with the Law Society and a solicitor of the Firm;
  • “布高江律師事務所: 鐘律師” and displaying the photo of Mr Chung Lik Hang Alex (鍾力行), a solicitor registered with the Law Society and a solicitor of the Firm;

The Firm has confirmed that the Website does not belong to it and the contact details stated on the Website are not the contact details of the Firm or solicitors or staff of the Firm.  

Mr Chan Chung Fai Arthur, Mr. Siu Kit Chung, Mr. Lam Yung Wah, Teddy and Mr. Chung Lik Hang Alex have confirmed that the WhatsApp Accounts were not set up by them, the contact details displayed in the WhatsApp Accounts are not their contact details and the photos displayed in the WhatsApp Accounts have been used without their knowledge or authority.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Forged documents issued by a fake law firm under the name of “Wong & Co Lawyers” (7 December 2023)

The attention of Messrs. Wong & Co., Solicitors (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a set of documents with content referring to either a law firm named “Wong & Co Lawyers” or a solicitor named “Luk Kok Hung (陸家雄)”.

There is no law firm under the name of “Wong & Co Lawyers” registered on the Law Society’s Law List and there is no solicitor with English and Chinese names as “Luk Kok Hung (陸家雄)” 

The Firm registered on the Law Society’s Law list is Wong & Co Solicitors (黃律師事務所) and the solicitor practising from within the Firm and registered on the Law Society’s Law List is Luk Kok Hung (陸國雄).  

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Unauthorissed use of photo in a purported Facebook page of 源凱國際律師事務所諮詢處 (13 November 2023)

The following has been drawn to the attention of the Law Society:

  1. Facebook page profiled as 源凱國際律師事務所諮詢處 (https://www.facebook.com/people/源凱國際律師事務所諮詢處/) offering legal services with contact details in Hong Kong and with a hyperlink to a website in Singapore (“Facebook Page”);
  2. on the Facebook page, a photo of Ms Heidi Chui, a solicitor registered on the Law Society’s Law List, was posted and Ms Chui confirmed that her photo was used without her knowledge and authority.  

There is no law firm in Hong Kong under the name of “源凱國際律師事務所” registered on the Law Society’s Law List. 

The matter has been reported to the police.

Fake Law Firm bearing the name of Bond International Law Firm 邦得國際律師事務所 (7 November 2023)

The following has been drawn to the attention of the Law Society:

  1. a website (https://dfdfeefdss.com/CX/qwzcd) promoting itself as an international law firm under the name of Bond International Law Firm (邦得國際律師事務所) with contact details in Hong Kong;
  2. a Facebook page profiled as 邦得國際律師事務所-李律師 (https://www.facebook.com/people/邦得國際律師事務所–李律師/) offering legal services for victims of fraud cases with contact details in Taiwan and with hyperlink to the above website (https://dfdfeefdss.com/CX/qwzcd)
  3. the profile photo on the Facebook page was a photo of Ms Heidi Chui, a solicitor registered on the Law Society’s Law List; Ms Chui has confirmed that her photo was used without her knowledge and authority and she has reported the matter to the police.  

There is no Hong Kong law firm or registered foreign law firm under the name of “Bond International Law Firm (邦得國際律師事務所)” registered on the Law Society’s Law List. 

The Law Society has reported the matter to the police.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purported made on behalf of Messrs. Dentons Hong Kong LLP (26 October, 2023, 9 October 2023, 22 September 2023, 31 August 2023)

Fraudulent solicitation for information purported made on behalf of Messrs. Dentons Hong Kong LLP (31 August 2023) – Nigel Chan

The attention of Messrs. Dentons Hong Kong LLP (德同國際有限法律責任合夥) (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a report from a member of the public that she had responded to a WhatsApp message from a person claiming to be a lawyer of the Firm by the name of “Mr. Chan (陳律師)” offering her legal services. The relevant WhatsApp Account displayed a name card under the name of a lawyer “奈傑爾•陳” purportedly issued by “Dentons (Dacheng Law Offices大成律師事務所)” and showed a photo of Mr. Nigel Chan, a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List and a solicitor of the Firm.

Both the Firm and Mr Nigel Chan confirmed that they had not set up the WhatsApp Account, had not issued any name card or WhatsApp message as those in the WhatsApp Account, and that the phone number stated on the WhatsApp Account and the forged name card was not their contact number. Further, the photo of Mr Nigel Chan displayed in the WhatsApp Account was used without his authority.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purported made on behalf of Messrs. Dentons Hong Kong LLP (22 September 2023) – Frankie Chan

Dentons Hong Kong LLP (“Firm”) was, on 22 September, 2023, informed by a member of the public that they had received WeChat messages from an individual claiming to be a lawyer of the Firm by the name of “陳文基” proposed to offer legal services. The relevant WeChat account displayed a name card bearing the name “陳文基” purportedly of “Dentons (Dacheng Law Offices大成律師事務所)” with a photo of Mr Frankie Chan, a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List and a solicitor of the Firm.

Both the Firm and Mr Frankie Chan confirmed that they had not created the subject WeChat Account, had not issued any name card or WeChat message as those in the WeChat account, and that the phone number stated on the WeChat Account and the purported name card was not their contact number. The photo of Mr Frankie Chan displayed in the WeChat Account was used without his authority.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purported made on behalf of Messrs. Dentons Hong Kong LLP (9 October, 2023) – David Kwok

Dentons Hong Kong LLP (“Firm”) was, on 9 October 2023, informed by a member of the public that they had received WhatsApp messages from an individual claiming to be a lawyer of the Firm by the name of “郭大衛” offering them legal services. The relevant WhatsApp account displayed a name card bearing the name “郭大衛” purportedly of “Dentons (Dacheng Law Offices大成律師事務所)” with a photo of Mr David Kwok, a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List and a solicitor of the Firm.

Both the Firm and Mr David Kwok confirmed that they had not created the subject WhatsApp Account, had not issued any name card or WhatsApp message as those in the WhatsApp account, and that the phone number stated on the WhatsApp Account and the purported name card was not their contact number. The photo of Mr David Kwok displayed in the WhatsApp Account was used without his authority.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purported made on behalf of Messrs. Dentons Hong Kong LLP (26 October, 2023) – James Wong

Dentons Hong Kong LLP (“Firm”) was, on 26 October 2023, informed by a member of the public that she had been exchanging WhatsApp messages with an individual who claimed to be a solicitor of the Firm registered with the Hong Kong Law Society by the name of “James Wong” and offered her legal services. The relevant WhatsApp messages also displayed a photo of Mr. James Wong.

Both the Firm and Mr. James Wong confirmed that they had not created the subject WhatsApp account or received or sent out any related WhatsApp message, and that the phone number and email address mentioned on the WhatsApp account were not their contact number and email address. The photo of Mr James Wong displayed on the WhatsApp account was used without his authority.

The above matters have been reported to the Police.

Fake website bearing the name of Tang Tso & Lau (3 October 2023)

The attention of Messrs. Tang Tso & Lau (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a website (https://tanglau.com) (“Website”) falsely claiming to be for a Hong Kong law firm bearing the name of “Tang Tso & Lau 曾慶鍶律師行 / 鄧曹劉律師行”.  The Website displays the names of “Lau Kim Hon” as “Principal” and “Lam Moon Hing, Vera” as “Partner”.  

The Firm has confirmed that the website (https://tanglau.com) does not belong to it, and that the email address published on the website is not the Firm’s email address.  

There is no solicitor under the name of “Lau Kim Hon” in the Law Society’s Law List. 

Mr Lau Kin Hon (which is different from “Lau Kim Hon” displayed on the Website) and Ms Lam Moon Hing, Vera are both solicitors registered with the Law Society on the Law List and are partners of the Firm. They have confirmed that the email addresses under the names of “Lau Kim Hon, Principal” and “Lam Moon Hing, Vera, Partner” published on the Website are not their email addresses. They also confirmed that the photos displayed on the Website under the respective names of “Lau Kim Hon” and “Lam Moon Hing, Vera” on the Website are not their photos.   

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purportedly made on behalf of Messrs Hastings & Co. (29 September 2023)

The attention of Messrs. Hastings & Co. (希仕廷律師行) (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to reports from members of the public that they had responded to a WhatsApp message from a person claiming to be a lawyer of the Firm by the name of “胡偉信” offering them legal services.

The relevant WhatsApp Account displayed the name of “希仕延律師行胡偉信” and showed a photo of Mr. Wu Wystan Wai Shun (“Mr. Wu”), a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List and a solicitor of the Firm.

Both the Firm and Mr. Wu confirmed that they had not set up the WhatsApp Account and had not sent any WhatsApp message via the WhatsApp Account, and that the phone number stated on the WhatsApp Account was not their contact number. Further, the photo of Mr. Wu displayed in the WhatsApp Account was used without his authority.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fake website of Deacons (6 September 2023)

The attention of Deacons (的近律師行) (“Firm”), a law firm registered on the Law Society’s Law List, was drawn to a website (https://www.01flzx.com) which has been set up falsely claiming to be a solicitors’ law firm under the name of "Deacons (的近律師行)”. The website displays four names with photos under the description of “professional team”, namely, 關道培律師, 關兆明律師, 李崇瀚律師 and 郭偉強律師.

The Firm has confirmed that the website (https://www.01flzx.com) does not belong to it and that the correspondence address and the email address published on the website are not the Firm’s contact details. The solicitors having the same names as those displayed on the website, who are registered with the Law Society on the Law List and are partners of the Firm, have confirmed that their photos have been used without their authority.

The matter has been reported to the Police. The Firm has also issued a press release alerting the public of the fake website and its associated email address.

Name card issued by fake law firm “亚欧国际律师事务所” (5 September 2023)

The attention of Mr Chan Agassi Chak Lam (“Mr Chan”), a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a name card purportedly issued by 亚欧国际律师事务所 with a photo of himself. 

There is no law firm under the name of “亚欧国际律师事务所” registered on the Law Society’s Law List.  Mr. Chan has confirmed that his photo was used on the name card without his authority.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Phishing Email purporting to be issued by the Judiciary with Law Society Email Domain (15 August 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 15 August 2023 with the subject email line JUDICIARY-HK-LEGALLETTER.PDF.

The Email bore an image purportedly to be the logo of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, and invited the recipients to click on the link JUDICIARY-HK-LEGALLETTER.PDF 

The Email was not issued by the Law Society. The link may be malicious and is unsafe to click on.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

The Judiciary has issued a Press Release on 15 August 2023.

Phishing Email purporting to be issued by the Law Society of Hong Kong (14 August 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 14 August 2023 with the subject email line [EXT] hklawsoc_08_14_2023, and the heading ‘Byron HOU shared a file with you’.

The Email invited the recipients to click on a link purporting to be a Shared Document. 

The Email was not issued by the Law Society. The link may be malicious and is unsafe to click on.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Phishing Email purporting to be issued by Long An & Lam LLP (28 July 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 28 July 2023 sent from the email account of “erica.wong@longanlarn.com“ with the subject heading “[IMPORTANT] -LONG AN & LAM LLP.”

The Email falsely claimed that it was issued by Ms. Erica Wong, staff of Long An & Lam LLP. Ms. Erica Wong has confirmed that she had not issued the Email and the email address from which the Email was sent was not her email address.

Phishing Email purporting to be issued by the Law Society of Hong Kong (28 July 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 28 July 2023 sent from the email account noreply@hklawsoc.org.hk to correspondence@hklawsoc.org.hk with the subject heading “President’s Letter (28.7.2023).pdf”.

The Email invited the recipients to click on a link purporting to be a President’s Letter. 

The Email was not issued by the Law Society. The telephone number (852) 2848 0500 stated on the Email is not telephone number of the Law Society. The link may be malicious and is unsafe to click on.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

 Phishing Email purporting to be issued by Deheng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP (27 July 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 27 July 2023 sent from the email account of “fredericktai@dehenglaw-hk.com“ with the subject heading “DEHENG LAW OFFICES (HONG KONG) LLP/IMPORTANT”.

The Email falsely claimed that it was issued by Mr. Frederick Tai, Partner of DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP. Mr. Frederick Tai has confirmed that he had not issued the Email and the email address from which the Email was sent was not his email address.

Phishing Email purporting to be issued by the Law Society of Hong Kong (14 July 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 13 July 2023 sent from the email account donotreply@hklawsoc.org.hk.

The Email invited the recipients to click on a link purportedly related to an upcoming awards ceremony. 

The Email was not issued by the Law Society. The telephone number (852) 2846 0050 and fax number (852) 2845 0837 stated on the Email are not telephone number or fax number of the Law Society. The link may be malicious and is unsafe to click on.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Forged agreement purportedly issued on behalf of Messrs. Tam, Pun & Yipp (12 July 2023)

The attention of Messrs. Tam, Pun & Yipp (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a set of documents including an agreement, an authorisation letter and an official receipt for a loan application purportedly prepared by “Tam, Pun & Yipp Law Firm (譚潘葉律師行)”.   

The Firm has confirmed that it has no record of acting in the loan application and it had never issued any such documents and that the address stated in the documents is not the address of the Firm. 

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Phishing email purportedly sent by Christopher James Williams (12 July 2023)

The attention of Howse Williams (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 3 July 2023 sent from the email account of “chris.williams@howsewiliams.com”.

The Email falsely claimed that it was issued by Mr Christopher James Williams, a Partner of the Firm and a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List. 

Mr. Williams has confirmed that he had not issued the Email and the email address from which the Email was sent was not his email address.  

Further, the Firm confirmed that it had never issued any emails or messages sent from the domain “@howsewiliams.com”. 

Howse Williams has reported the matter to the Police.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purportedly made on behalf of Messrs ONC Lawyers (10 July 2023)

The attention of ONC Lawyers (柯伍陳律師事務所) (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to four websites (i) https://lawerquery.com; (ii) https://xg.hsdsoufd.cc; (iii) https://qq.dgfsggfd.africa and (iv) www.xgjksda.beer which have been set up falsely claiming to be a solicitors’ law firm in Hong Kong under the name of “柯伍陳律師事務所”.  The website (https://lawerquery.com ) uses a photo of Mr. Ray Lee, a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law list and a solicitor of the Firm, without his authority. 

Further, the Firm also noted that WhatsApp messages were sent under two WhatsApp accounts bearing the phone number “+91 8780842664” and “+852 55209334” purporting to solicit legal services fraudulently on behalf of “柯伍陳律師事行”.

The Firm has confirmed that the four websites  (i) https://lawerquery.com; (ii) https://xg.hsdsoufd.cc; (iii) https://qq.dgfsggfd.africa and (iv) www.xgjksda.beer do not belong to it, and that the two WhatsApp accounts do not belong to the Firm’s solicitors and staff.  The contact number stated on the fraudulent WhatsApp messages is not Mr Ray Lee’s telephone number. 

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Forged name card purportedly issued by a law firm” (3 July 2023)

The attention of Messrs. Li & Partners (李偉斌律師行) (“Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a name card displaying purportedly the name of a lawyer issued by “香港李偉斌律師行” (“Card”).

Further, the Firm also noted that WhatsApp messages were sent under a WhatsApp account purporting to solicit legal services on behalf of “香港李偉斌律師事務所” (“WhatsApp Account”).  

The Firm has confirmed that it has not issued the Card or set up the WhatsApp Account and the contact numbers stated on the Card and the WhatsApp Account are not the Firm’s contact numbers.  

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Phishing website claiming to be a law firm (29 June 2023)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a website (https://hk-bankruptcy.com) claiming to be a law firm (with no name) offering legal advice and representation services in various areas. 

All law firms are registered with the Law Society with proper names and published on the Law Society Law List.  There is no law firm with no name on the Law List.

Fraudulent solicitation for information purportedly made on behalf of Messrs Haldanes (28 June 2023)

A website (https://hodonlaw.com) has been set up falsely claiming to be a solicitors’ law firm in Hong Kong under the name of “Haldanes Solicitors” (何敦律師行). The attention of the law firm, Haldanes (何敦律師行) (“Firm”) registered with the Law Society on the Law List was drawn to a report from a member of the public that she had been approached by a person claiming to be a lawyer of the Firm by the name of “Wong Sai Kit” and to assist in the legal matter. 

The website displays 6 names with purported mobile phone numbers namely: 還立峻, 梁凱然, 蔡樂賢, 王律師, 呂致諾, 黄律師.

The Firm has confirmed that the website https://hodonlaw.com does not belong to it, and that the Chinese names and contact details stated on the website are not the contact number of the Firm’s solicitors and staff.   No solicitor or staff by the name of “Nathan” from the Firm had contacted the potential client through the internal email on “Haldanes” website.

Fake website bearing the name of LC Legal Hong Kong (羅經理法律) (19 June 2023)

A website (http://lclegalhk.co) claiming to be of an international law firm under the name of LC Legal Hong Kong (羅經理法律) with a Hong Kong address and a Hong Kong telephone number has been drawn to the attention of the Law Society.  

There is no law firm under the name of “LC Legal Hong Kong (羅經理法律)” registered on the Law Society’s Law List. 

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Unauthorised use of identity in a purported website of Bongyan Finance Limited (17 April 2023)

The attention of Mr. Chan Man Yiu, Simon (“Mr. Chan”), a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a website https://bongyanfinancelimited.com purporting to be the website of “Bongyan Finance Limited” (“Company”).  The website refers to Mr. Chan as a “Director” of the Company and uses his photo and identity without his authority.  

Mr. Chan has confirmed that he is not affiliated, and has no dealing, with the Company.  

The matter has been reported to the police.

Forged name card purportedly issued by a law firm (9 February 2023)

A name card displaying the name of “Julia Liu (劉筱竹)” purportedly issued by “DHH Law Firm (德和衡律師事務所)”, was drawn to the attention of the foreign law firm, DHH Law Firm (德和衡律師事務所), registered with the Law Society.

The foreign law firm, DHH Law Firm (德和衡律師事務所), has confirmed that it had not issued a name card for any person by the name of Julia Liu (劉筱竹) and the contact details stated on the forged name card are not its contact details.  There is no solicitor or foreign lawyer by the name of “Julia Liu (劉筱竹)” registered with the Law Society.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fake website bearing the name of Sullivan & Lee (27 January 2023)

A website (https://sullivanlee.hk/) has been set up falsely claiming to be for a law firm “Sullivan & Lee” (“the Name”).  The website has an “Our Advocates” page which contains a list of names, namely Patrick Sullivan, Edward Lee, Jia Huang, Henry Chan, Isaac Harper, and Ken Kwok. In the “Contact Us” page of the website, it provides a Hong Kong address and a Hong Kong telephone number.  

There is no law firm under the name of “Sullivan & Lee”; and no Hong Kong solicitor or registered foreign lawyer under the names of “Patrick Sullivan”, “Edward Lee”, “Jia Huang”, “Henry Chan”, “ Isaac Harper”, and “Ken Kwok” are registered with a firm bearing the Name on the Law Society’s Law List.

WhatsApp message purportedly sent by Chiu Kwok Wing Benedict (20 Jan 2023)

The attention of Mr Chiu Kwok Wing Benedict (“Mr Chiu”) of Chiu, Szeto & Cheng  Solicitors (趙、司徒、鄭律師事務所), a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a WhatsApp message (“Message”) sent from a mobile phone number “+852 59850814”.

The Message was purportedly sent under the name of “Chiu Kwok Wing Benedict” to a staff member of Chiu, Szeto & Cheng Solicitors asking for bank account details of the firm. 

Mr Chiu confirmed that he had not sent the Message and the phone number from which the Message was sent was not his phone number.  

The matter has been reported to the Police. 

Fake website bearing the name of Choi Yang Law (28 December 2022)

A website (https://choiyanglaw.com) claiming to be a “Professional Lawyer Team” under the name of Choi Yang Law with a Hong Kong address and a Hong Kong telephone number has been drawn to the attention of the Law Society.  The website displays five names with photos as Business Owners and Team of Choi Yang Law, namely, Drake Romanson, Tom Pete, Anna Lee, Xia Chen and Li Hsu.

No law firm under the name of “Choi Yang Law” and no Hong Kong solicitors or registered foreign lawyers under the names as displayed on the website are registered on the Law Society’s Law List.

Phishing email purportedly sent by Wai Shun Chow (14 December 2022)

The attention of Mr Chow Wai Shun (“Mr Chow”), a solicitor registered with the Law Society on the Law List, was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 31 August 2022 sent from the email account of "wai.shun.chow@protonmail.com”. 

The Email claimed that it was issued by “Wai Shun Chow, Legal Partner, Anhui Hongrui H Co”.

Mr Chow confirmed that he had not issued the Email and the email address from which the Email was sent was not his email address. Further, there is no law firm registered in the name of “Anhui Hongrui H Co” with the Law Society.

Fake website of Ip, Kwan & Co (refreshed on 2 December 2022)

A website https://ipkwansol.com has been set up falsely claiming to be a solicitors’ law firm in Hong Kong under the name of "Ip, Kwan & Co., Solicitors & Notaries”.

The solicitors' firm, Ip, Kwan & Co registered on the Law Society's Law List has confirmed in writing that it does not maintain any website, that the website https://ipkwansol.com does not belong to it, and that the contact details published on the website are not its contact details.

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fake website of Wong, Kwan & Co (23 November 2022)

A website https://wongkwanandco.com has been set up falsely claiming to be a solicitors’ law firm in Hong Kong under the name of “Wong, Kwan & Co.”.

The solicitors' firm, Wong, Kwan & Co., registered on the Law Society’s Law List has confirmed in writing that it does not maintain any website, that the website https://wongkwanandco.com does not belong to it and that the telephone and fax numbers and email address published on the website are not its contact details. 

The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fake Website bearing the name of SL Solicitors (26 September 2022)

A website https://slsolicitors.com/attorneys.html has been set up falsely claiming to be for a law firm "SL Solicitors". The website refers to Mrs. Sonam Lhamo Wing Suen Ho as its “CEO/Proprietor/Principal Attorney” and “Mr. Zhou Guanjun” as its Partner. It publishes an address in Hong Kong and a Hong Kong telephone number.

There is no law firm bearing the name of SL Solicitors, and there is no Hong Kong solicitor or registered foreign lawyer under the name of Zhou Guanjun, registered on the Law Society's Law List.

The law firm registered on the Law Society’s Law List bears the name of SL Lawyers with Ho Sonamlhamo Wing Suen as sole practitioner. SL Lawyers has reported the matter to the police.

Phishing email purportedly sent by C & T Legal LLP (15 August 2022)

The attention of C & T Legal LLP (“the Firm”), a law firm registered with the Law Society, was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 15 August 2022 sent from the email account of "catalinalam@ctlegal-hk.com”. 

The Email falsely claimed that it was issued by “Catalina Lam, Trainee Solicitor” of the Firm and attached “secured PDF documents issued on behalf of C & T Legal LLP”.

The Firm confirmed that it had not issued the Email and the email address from which the Email was sent was not the email address of the Firm.

The Firm has reported the matter to the Police.

Unauthorised use of Law Society’s logo and address (7 July 2022)

The Law Society of Hong Kong was aware that letter envelopes bearing the logo and address of the Law Society of Hong Kong have recently been posted to certain recipients in Taiwan. 

The Law Society has not authorised any person or entity to post such letters to Taiwan and has not granted its permission for its logo and address to be included in such a letter envelope. The matter has been reported to the Police.

Unauthorised use of Law Society’s logo and address (4 July 2022)

A letter which was signed off in the name of “香港陳柏良律師” with the logo and address of the Law Society of Hong Kong pasted was brought to the attention of the Law Society by two members of the public. 

The letter was issued under the name of “香港律師協會” and purportedly informed the recipient that there was a pending stock transaction to be dealt with at a specified time.  

The Law Society has not authorised any person or entity to issue such a letter and has not granted its permission for its logo and address to be included in such a letter. The matter has been reported to the Police.

Fake website bearing the name of “Eddie Stone LLP” (24 June 2022)

A website https://www.eddiestonellp.com holds itself out as “Eddie Stone LLP, Your Trusted Legal Partner”. The website contains an “Attorneys” page and refers to a list of names with photos and descriptions of their practice areas. In the “Contact Us” page of the website, it provides a Hong Kong address.

There is no law firm under the name of “Eddie Stone LLP” and there are no Hong Kong solicitors or registered foreign lawyers under the names, as represented in the website, of “Eddie Stone”, “William Stone”, “Tim Bingwa”, “Celia Lane”, “Fita Chan”, “Tom Shum” and “Chase Lam” registered on the Law Society’s Law List.

Misleading use of Law Society's Information on Facebook (14 June 2022)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a Facebook page 律師免費法律諮詢(hk) https://www.facebook.com/juridic365/ which claimed to offer free legal advice, and was linked to the Law Society’s website.

This Facebook page have posts that may mislead the public in relating it to the Law Society.

This Facebook page is not related to the Law Society. The matter has been reported to the Police.

Phishing Email purporting to be issued by the Law Society of Hong Kong (29 March 2022)

The Law Society’s attention was drawn to a phishing email (“Email”) dated 29 March 2022 sent from the email account "esther@hklawsoc-hk.org”.

The Email falsely claimed that it was issued by the Assistant Director, Accounts of the Law Society of Hong Kong and that it attached “secured PDF documents issued on behalf of The Law Society of Hong Kong”.

The email account esther@hklawsoc-hk.org is not an email account of the Law Society. The telephone number (852) 2646 0595 and fax number (852) 2645 0387 stated on the Email are not telephone number or fax number of the Law Society. The matter has been reported to the Police.

Forged email purportedly issued by Peter K. S. Chan & Co (21 March 2022)

Peter K. S. Chan & Co is a law firm registered on the Law Society’s Law List (“the Firm”).  

An email (“Email”) purportedly issued by the Firm to a client of the Firm was drawn to the attention of the Firm.  

The Email was signed off under the name of “Peter K. S. Chan and Co” followed by some contact details. The email address stated in the contact details as “peterkschan@hotmail.com” is the email address of the Firm. However, the office and mobile telephone and fax numbers stated in the contact details are not contact numbers of the Firm. 

The Firm confirmed that it had never issued the Email, the office and mobile telephone and fax numbers contained in the Email were not contact numbers of the Firm, and the use of the Firm’s email address in the Email was without the Firm’s authority.

Forged correspondence purportedly issued by a law firm (25 February 2022)

Yiu & Associates, Solicitors (姚文鑫律師行) is a law firm registered on the Law Society’s Law List (“the Firm”). Mr Roy Yiu is the principal of the Firm. 

Correspondence purportedly issued by “Roy Yiu” of Yiu & Associates Solicitors (姚文鑫律師行) to a member of the public was drawn to the attention of the Firm. 

The Firm confirmed that it had never issued any such correspondence, the information contained in the correspondence about the service the Firm provided to the named clients (Xiamen YUNJIYUN Network Technology Co. Ltd 厦门云集云网络科技有限工司 and Easy Shipping Limited 易运) was all false, and the use of the Firm’s logo and address on the correspondence was without the Firm’s authority. 

Further, a name card under the name of Roy Yiu of Yiu & Associates was also drawn to the attention of the Firm. The Firm confirmed that the email address and the telephone and fax numbers printed on the name card are not the email address and telephone and fax numbers of the Firm.  

Chandrawat & Partners is not a law firm in Hong Kong (18 January 2022)

Chandrawat & Partners has allegedly presented the photo and legal qualification and experience of a Hong Kong solicitor under the name of “Gary” as a member of its “Team” on its website (https://www.chandrawatpartners.com) without the authority or consent of the solicitor.  The solicitor has been advised to report to the police.

There is no law firm under the name of “Chandrawat & Partners” registered on the Law Society’s Law List.

Fake website of Ip, Kwan & Co (1 December 2021) 

A website https://ipkwansol.com has been set up falsely claiming to be a solicitors’ law firm in Hong Kong under the name of "Ip, Kwan & Co., Solicitors & Notaries”. 

The solicitors' firm, Ip, Kwan & Co registered on the Law Society's Law List has confirmed in writing that it does not maintain any website, that the website https://ipkwansol.com does not belong to it, and that the contact details published on the website are not its contact details. 

Unauthorised use of Law Society logo  (25 October 2021)

A letter which was signed off in the name of “STEVEN & CHAN, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Rd, Quarry Bay” with the logo of the Law Society of Hong Kong pasted on top was brought to the attention of the Law Society by the recipient who was a member of the public. The letter purportedly informed the recipient that there would be a property inspection pursuant to a court order at a specified time.  

The Law Society has not authorised any person or entity to issue such a letter and has not granted its permission for its logo to be included in such a letter.

The member of the public has been informed and advised to report the matter to the police.

Forged name card purportedly issued by a law firm (24 August 2021)

A name card displaying respectively the name of "Cheung Kai Yin 張啟賢" purportedly issued by "Vincent T. K. Cheung, Yap & Co (張葉司徒陳律師事務所)" was drawn to the attention of the solicitors’ firm, Vincent T.K. Cheung, Yap & Co (張葉司徒陳律師事務所).

The solicitors' firm, Vincent T.K. Cheung, Yap & Co (張葉司徒陳律師事務所), has confirmed that it has not issued a name card for any person by the name of Cheung Kai Yin張啟賢, it has never employed any staff by that name and none of the contact details stated in the forged name card are the firm’s contact details.

Vincent T.K. Cheung, Yap & Co noted that it has reported the matter to the police.

Fake website under the name of Chau & Associates (10 August 2021)

A website https://chauandassociates.com has been set up falsely claiming to be a barristers’ chambers in Hong Kong under the name of "Chau & Associates (周淬昌律師事務所)".   

The solicitors' firm, Chau & Associates (周淬昌律師事務所), registered on the Law Society's Law List has confirmed in writing that it does not maintain any website and that the website https://chauandassociates.com does not belong to it.  

Fake website bearing the name of "Iu Lai Lee & Co“ (21 June 2021)

A website www.iulaililaw.com has been set up falsely claiming to be a law firm in Hong Kong under the name of "Iu Lai Li & Co (姚黎李律師行)".    

There is no Hong Kong law firm or registered foreign law firm under the name of "Iu Lai Li & Co” registered on the Law Society's Law List.  

The solicitors' firm, Iu Lai & Li (姚黎李律師行) registered on the Law Society's Law List has confirmed in writing that the website www.iulaililaw.com does not belong to it.  

Correspondence purportedly sent by a member of the public to the fake law firm at the email address dominiclai@iulaililaw.com was brought to the attention of Iu Lai & Li. Mr Dominic Lai, partner of Iu Lai & Li has confirmed in writing that the email address of dominiclai@iulaililaw.com is not his email address.  

The matter has been reported to the police.

Fake law firm under the name of “Kingdom Consultancy建國事務所” (11 March 2021)

A website http://hklegal.hk under the name of “Kingdom Consultancy 建國事務所“claims to offer legal advice and representation in criminal litigation proceedings for the public.

There is no Hong Kong law firm or registered foreign law firm under the name of "Kingdom Consultancy建國事務所” registered on the Law Society's Law List. A report has been made to the police.

Fake law firm under the name of “Li and Partners International” (26 February 2021)

A website http://liandpartnershk.com under the name of “Li and Partners International” falsely claims to be a law firm with offices in different cities including Hong Kong with a Hong Kong address at Flat B, 17/F, Hyde Centre, 221-226, Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Correspondence issued under the names of “Seungyong Kim”, “Kim Seungyong” and “Kim Seung Yong” on behalf of “Li and Partners International” has been received by members of the public.

There is no Hong Kong law firm or registered foreign law firm under the name of "Li and Partners International” registered on the Law Society's Law List. Further, there is no Hong Kong solicitor or registered foreign lawyer under the names of “Seungyong Kim”, “Kim Seungyong” or “Kim Seung Yong” on the Law Society’s Law List.

Fake law firm bearing the name of Envelos Law Office Attorneys & Solicitors (11 January 2021)
Emails and documents under the name of “Cai Xi”falsely claiming to be an “Associate Partner”and “Humei Bao J.P” falsely claiming to be a “Partner” of a fake law firm by the name of "Envelos Law Office Attorneys & Solicitors”were sent out offering legal services and soliciting payment. 

There is no law firm under the name of “Envelos Law Office Attorneys & Solicitors”registered on the Law Society's Law List and there is no Hong Kong solicitor or registered foreign lawyer under the name of “Cai Xi” and “Humei Bao J.P” registered on the Law Society's Law List.
Fake Law Firm using the name of "Chiu Koon Shou & Co Solicitors, Attorneys At Law & Notary Public" (17 November 2020)
A website http://www.ckssolicitors.com falsely claims to be for a law firm "Chiu Koon Shou & Co Solicitors, Attorneys At Law & Notary Public".

There is no Hong Kong law firm or registered foreign law firm under the name of "Chiu Koon Shou & Co Solicitors, Attorneys At Law & Notary Public" registered on the Law Society's Law List.

A firm falsely claims to be a law firm by naming itself “Chiu Koon Shou & Co Solicitors, Attorneys At Law & Notary Public" and publishes its contact address as “3/F Wing on House 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong”, which is the address of the Law Society of Hong Kong. The Law Society of Hong Kong has not given any permission to the entity to adopt the Law Society’s address as its address. A report has been made to the police.
虛 假 名 片 據 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 發 出 (2020 年 8 月 12 日)
Chan Wong & Yip Solicitors (陳 黃 葉 律 師 事 務 所) 注 意 到 有 兩 張 顯 示 "Ricky Wong, Manager" 及 "Ben Chan, Manager" 名 字 的 名 片 據 稱 是 由 "Chan Wong & Yip Solicitors (陳 黃 葉 律 師 事 務 所)" 律 師 行 發 出。

Chan Wong & Yip Solicitors (陳 黃 葉 律 師 事 務 所) 已 經 確 認 從 沒 有 為 任 何 名 為 Ricky Wong 或 Ben Chan 的 人 發 出 名 片, 也 從 未 僱 用 過 任 何 以 "Ricky Wong" 或 "Ben Wong" 為 名 的 員 工。
虛 假 名 片 據 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 發 出 (2020 年 8 月 4 日)
"Chan Wong & Yip Solicitors (陳 黃 葉 律 師 事 務 所) 注 意 到 有 一 張 顯 示 "Jason Yip (葉 廣 希)" 名 字 的 名 片 據 稱 是 由 "Chan Wong & Yip Solicitors (陳 黃 葉 律 師 事 務 所)" 律 師 行 發 出。

Chan Wong & Yip Solicitors (陳 黃 葉 律 師 事 務 所) 已 經 確 認 從 沒 有 為 任 何 名 為 Jason Yip (葉 廣 希).的 人 發 出 名 片, 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 以 "Jason Yip (葉 廣 希)" 的 名 字 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "李 陳 鄭 律 師 事 務 所 / Lee Chan & Cheng Solicitors 李 陳 鄭 律 師 事 務 所" (2020 年 7 月 28 日)
某 公 司 通 過 將 自 己 命 名 為 "李 陳 鄭 律 師 事 務 所" / "Lee Chan & Cheng Solicitors" 而 虛 假 地 聲 稱 自 己 是 律 師 事 務 所, 並 已 向 公 眾 派 發 文 件 顯 示 "李 陳 鄭 律 師 事 務 所" / Lee Chan & Cheng Solicitors 李 陳 鄭 律 師 事 務 所" 及 地 址 為 "荃 灣 沙 咀 道 362 號 全 發 商 業 大 厦 19 樓 07 室"(Room 07, 19th Floor, Fortune Commercial Building, 362, Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan)。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "李 陳 鄭 律 師 事 務 所" / "Lee Chan & Cheng Solicitors" 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
以 "Wong and Co" 或 "Wong & Co Lawyers" 的 名 字 發 送 的 網 絡 釣 魚 電 子 郵 件 (2020 年 6 月 4 及 9 日) (2020 年 6 月 4 日)
以 "Wong and Co" 或 "Wong & Co Lawyers" 的 名 字 發 送 的 電 子 郵 件, 聲 稱 自 己 是 一 家 律 師 事 務 所 及 招 攬 他 人 使 用 其 追 討 資 產 服 務, 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Wong and Co" 或 "Wong & Co" 名 稱 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "龍 懋 國 際 按 揭 中 心 / 吳 謝 律 師 事 務" ("Charm Dragon International Mortgage Centre / Ng & Tse Solicitors") (2020 年 4 月 15 日)
某 公 司 通 過 將 自 己 命 名 為 "龍 懋 國 際 按 揭 中 心 / 吳 謝 律 師 事 務" ("Charm Dragon International Mortgage Centre / Ng & Tse Solicitors") 而 虛 假 地 聲 稱 自 己 是 律 師 事 務 所, 並 已 向 公 眾 派 發 名 片 顯 示 "吳 英 鵬" ("Wu Ying Peng, Paul") 為 "律 師", "李 嘉 俊" ("Lee, Ka Chun, Benson") 為 "按 揭 經 理" ("Mortgage Manager"), 並 顯 示 其 名 稱 及 地 址 為 "香 港 灣 仔 告 士 打 道 128 號 祥 豐 大 厦 11 樓" ("11/F, Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong")。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "龍 懋 國 際 按 揭 中 心 / 吳 謝 律 師 事 務" ("Charm Dragon International Mortgage Centre / Ng & Tse Solicitors") 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 "吳 英 鵬" ("Wu Ying Peng, Paul") 或 "李 嘉 俊" ("Lee, Ka Chun, Benson") 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
某 人 以 Matthew Wong 的 名 義 發 送 的 網 絡 釣 魚 電 子 郵 件, 聲 稱 自 己 是 一 家 名 為 Wong Solicitors 的 律 師 事 務 所 的 負 責 人 (2020 年 3 月 30 日)
某 人 以 Matthew Wong 的 名 義 發 送 電 子 郵 件, 聲 稱 自 己 是 一 家 名 為 Wong Solicitors(Wongsolicitors.com) 的 律 師 事 務 所 的 負 責 人, 徵 求 對 天 然 氣 項 目 的 興 趣, 並 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Wong Solicitors" 的 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 "Matthew Wong" 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
某 人 聲 稱 自 己 是 一 家 名 為 Qiansheng Law 的 合 夥 人 以 Daniel Ferguson 的 名 義 發 送 的 網 絡 釣 魚 電 子 郵 件 (2019 年 11 月 5 日)
某 人 以 Daniel Ferguson 的 名 義 發 送 的 網 絡 釣 魚 電 子 郵 件, 聲 稱 自 己 是 一 家 名 為 Qiansheng Law 的 合 夥 人, 並 要 求 支 付 與 涉 嫌 繼 承 權 有 關 的 服 務 的 法 律 費 用 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Qiansheng Law" 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 "Daniel Ferguson" 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "Chung Fung & Law, Solicitors 叢 馮 羅 律 師 事 務" (2019 年 9 月 27 日)
一 個 以 "K L Chung Marco 叢 景 林" 為 名 的 人 謊 稱 是 一 間 名 為 "Chung Fung & Law, Solicitors 叢 馮 羅 律 師 事 務" 的 虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 的 "高 級 抵 押 貸 款 經 理"。

據 稱 由 該 人 發 出 的 名 片 , 顯 示 了 他 在 虛 假 律 師 行 中 的 姓 名 和 職 位 以 及 聯 繫 方 式 和 "Flat 901, 9/F 99 Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong 香 港 灣 仔 軒 尼 斯 道 99 號 彰 顯 大 廈 9 樓 1 室" 的 地 址 已 分 發 給 市 民。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Chung Fung & Law, Solicitors 叢 馮 羅 律 師 事 務" 名 稱 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "MINYIZHANG LAWFIRM" (2019 年 9 月 26 日)
一 張 聲 稱 由 "Hong Kong Bar & Club Association" 簽 發 予 "MINYIZHANG LAWFIRM" 的 偽 造 証 書 及 一 張 聲 稱 由 香 港 律 師 會 簽 發 予 "MINYI ZHANG" (明 顯 帶 有 律 師 會 的 徽 標) 以 證 明 "MINYI ZHANG" 已 被 香 港 大 律 師 公 會 接 納 為 律 師 的 偽 造 証 書 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "MINYIZHANG LAWFIRM" 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 "MINYI ZHANG" 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "Barristers and Solicitors Hong Kong (大 律 師 及 律 師 事 務 管 理 - 香 港)" (2019 年 9 月 26 日)
一 家 公 司 通 過 命 名 自 己 "Barristers and Solicitors Hong Kong (大 律 師 及 律 師 事 務 管 理 - 香 港)" 在 面 書 網 頁 上 謊 稱 自 己 是 一 家 擁 有 大 律 師 及 事 務 律 師 團 隊 為 客 戶 提 供 不 同 法 律 服 務 的 律 師 事 務 所。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Barristers and Solicitors Hong Kong (大 律 師 及 律 師 事 務 管 理 - 香 港)" 名 稱 登 記。
來 自 Renascentia 律 師 事 務 所 的 信 件 (2019 年 9 月 24 日)
一 封 來 自 Renascentia Attorneys-at-Law 律 師 事 務 所 以 Lalitia Wu 的 名 義 發 送 的 信, 聲 稱 代 表 另 一 個 人 處 理 涉 嫌 的 僱 傭 事 宜 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Renascentia Attorneys-at-Law" 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 "Lalitia Wu" 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "WINGATE SU LEGAL" (2019 年 9 月 13 日)
一 張 聲 稱 由 香 港 律 師 會 簽 發 予 "WINGATE SU LEGAL" (明 顯 帶 有 律 師 會 的 徽 標) 以 證 明 "WINGATE SU LEGAL" 已 符 合 《外 地 律 師 註 冊 規 則》 並 已 在 律 師 會 註 冊 的 偽 造 証 書 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "WINGATE SU LEGAL" 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 在 "WINGATE SU" 的 名 下 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "王 志 誠 律 師 事 務 所" (2019 年 8 月 20 日)
一 張 聲 稱 是 一 間 香 港 律 師 行 發 出 並 顯 示 "Wang Zhicheng law firm 王 志 誠 律 師 事 務 所" 的 "薛 振 偉 律 師" (譯 名 為 "Xue Zhen Wei") 的 許 可 證 引 起 了 律 師 會 的 關 注。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Wang Zhicheng law firm 王 志 誠 律 師 事 務 所" 名 稱 登 記, 也 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 "薛 振 偉" (譯 名 為 "Xue Zhen Wei") 的 名 字 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "Dong Zhang Solicitors" (2019 年 5 月 24 日)
一 個 網 站 http://zhangdsolicitors.com 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 "Dong Zhang Solicitors" 成 立。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Dong Zhang Solicitors" 登 記。

另 請 參 閱 我 們 在 詐 騙 警 報 頁 面 裡 列 出 有 關 謊 稱 由 一 家 律 師 事 務 所 "Zhang & Co Solicitors 张 和 公 司 律 师" 成 立 的 虛 假 網站 https://zhangsolicitors.com 的 類 似 警 報。
以 “興 豐 律 师 事 務 所” (譯 名 “Hing Fung Solicitors”) 為 名 的 虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 (2019 年 5 月 24 日)
一 家 公 司 通 過 命 名 自 己 "Lee Kam Mortgage Law Firm (李 金 按 揭 律 師 行)" 謊 稱 自 己 是 一 家 律 師 事 務 所。 據 稱 由 該 實 體 發 行 的 名 片 已 分 發 給 公 眾,當 中 顯 示 其 名 稱 及 地 址 為 "九 龍 長 沙 灣 大 南 西 街 1008 號 中 華 聯 合 廣 場 10 樓 1006 室"。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 "Lee Kam Mortgage Law Firm (李 金 按 揭 律 師 行)" 名 稱 登 記。
虛 假 律 師 事 務 所 名 為 "Lee Kam Mortgage Law Firm" (2019 年 5 月 2 日)
A firm falsely claims to be a law firm by naming itself "Lee Kam Mortgage Law Firm (李 金 按 揭 律 師 行)". Name cards purportedly issued by this entity displaying its name with an address at "Room 1006, 10/F, China United Plaza, 1008 Tai Nam West Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon" had been distributed to the public.

There is no law firm under the name of "Lee Kam Mortgage Law Firm (李 金 按 揭 律 師 行)" registered on the Law Society's Law List.
虛 假 網 站 名 為 “Warren Chan and Associates Law” (2019 年 4 月 1 日)

一 個 網 站 www.warrenchanandassociates.com 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 香 港 律 師 行 Warren Chan and Associates Law 成 立。 網 站 還 提 到 四 張 帶 有 Warren Chan and Associates Law 合 夥 人 名 字 的 照 片,即 Warren Chan, Ken Chow, Chui Yamaha 和 Rico Liu。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 “Warren Chan and Associates Law” 登 記。 亦 沒 有 律 師 或 註 冊 外 地 律 師 以 “Warren Chan, Ken Chow, Chiu Yamaha or Rico Liu”, 即 網 站 上 所 稱 的 名 字, 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 登 記。

虛 假 名 片 據 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 發 出 (2019 年 3 月 22 日)
“Toullec Solicitors” 律 師 行 注 意 到 有 一 張 顯 示 “林 民 峰 律 師 (James M. F. Lam, Lawyer)” 名 字 的 名 片 據 稱 是 由 “Toullec Solicitors” 律 師 行 發 出。

Toullec Solicitors 律 師 行 已 經 確 認 從 沒 有 為 任 何 名 為 James M. F. Lam 的 人 發 出 名 片, 在 律 師 會 的 律 師 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 以 “林 民 峰 (James M. F. Lam, Lawyer)” 的 名 字 登 記。
從 jay.fang@kpmg-hk.com 發 送 的 偽 冒 電 郵 謊 稱 一 家 律 師 行 “KPMG Law” 提 供 法 律 服 務 (2019 年 2 月 19 日)
一 名 Jay Fang 以 jay.fang@kpmg-hk.com 發 出 電 郵 謊 稱 一 家 律 師 行 “KPMG Law” 提 供 法 律 服 務。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 “KPMG Law” 登 記。
虛 假 網 站 名 為 “Pei Puxuan & Co. Solicitors” (2019 年 1 月 24 日)
一 個 網 站 http://peipuxuansolicitors.com 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 “Pei Puxuan & Co. Solicitors” 成 立。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 “Pei Puxuan & Co. Solicitors” 登 記。
虛 假 網 站 名 為 “Zhang Li Law Firm” (2019 年 1 月 7 日)
一 個 網 站 www.zhanglilaws.com 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 “Zhang Li Law Firm” 成 立。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 “Zhang Li Law Firm” 登 記。
聲 稱 由 律 師 事 務 所 簽 發 的 偽 造 借 記 通 知 單 (2018 年 11 月 6 日)
Paul W Tse 謝 偉 俊 律 師 行 注 意 到 有 一 套 看 來 是 由 註 冊 會 計 師 Sino Corp CPA Limited 為 審 計 目 的 而 發 出 的 證 明 文 件, 附 有 一 份 聲 稱 由 該 律 師 事 務 所 簽 發 的 借 記 通 知 單 和 收 據。

Paul W Tse 謝 偉 俊 律 師 行 已 經 確 認 其 律 師 行 與 該 套 文 件 中 的 當 事 人 或 該 套 文 件 中 提 及 的 交 易 無 關。
電 話 錄 音 信 息 據 稱 代 表 律 師 行 招 攬 業 務 (2018 年 11 月 6 日)
有 公 眾 人 士 收 到 電 話 錄 音 信 息 代 表 張 馮 許 律 師 行 招 攬 業 務。

Cheung Fung & Hui 張 馮 許 律 師 行 已 確 認 其 律 師 行 從 未 有 任 何 電 話 錄 音 訊 息 來 宣 傳 其 律 師 行 或 其 他 用 途。
假 冒 網 站 名 為 “Samuel Li&Co Solicitors” (2018 年 9 月 21 日)
一 個 網 站 http://samueliandco.com 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 “Samuel Li & Co Solicitors” 成 立。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 登 記 的 Samuel Li & Co 律 師 行 已 經 書 面 確 認 上 述 網 站 不 屬 於 該 律 師 行。
虛 假 網 站 名 為 “Zhang & Co. Solicitors 张 和 公 司 律 师” (2018 年 9 月 20 日)

一 個 網 站 https://zhangsolicitors.com/ 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 “Zhang & Co Solicitors 张 和 公 司 律 师” 成 立。

在 律 師 會 的 律 師 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 “Zhang & Co Solicitors” 登 記。

虛 假 網 站 名 為 “Kromann, Neilsen, Chow & Partners, Advocates & Solicitors, Hong Kong” (2018 年 8 月 29 日)

一 個 網 站 http://kromann-nielsenpartners.com/index-2.html 謊 稱 是 由 一 家 律 師 行 “Kromann, Neilsen, Chow & Partners” 成 立。

在 律 師 會 的 法 律 行 名 單 上 沒 有 律 師 行 以 “Kromann, Neilsen, Chow & Partners” 登 記。

從 Leephillip371@gmail.com 發 送 到 律 師 行 的 偽 冒 電 郵 徵 求 法 律 服 務 (2018 年 4 月 25 日)

一 家 律 師 行 收 到 一 名 潛 在 客 戶 Joyce Lee 從 電 子 郵 件 帳 戶 Leephillip371@gmail.com 發 出 的 電 子 郵 件, 要 求 該 律 師 行 提 供 出 售 香 港 中 環 荷 李 活 道 108-110 號 房 產 的 法 律 服 務。 該 律 師 行 進 行 了 土 地 查 察, 發 現 該 物 業 是 由 另 一 人 擁 有。