On the occasion of the Ceremonial Opening of Legal Year 2022 in Hong Kong (“OLY”), the Law Society organised a virtual side programme for the overseas delegates, including the Presidents’ Roundtable and Leadership Insights Session on 25 and 26 January 2022 respectively.
At the Leadership Insights Session on 26 January 2022, we were honoured to have The Hon Teresa Cheng, SC, Secretary for Justice, to give a keynote speech on “Opportunities for international lawyers to participate in the development of the Greater Bay Area”, followed by a panel discussion about this theme, which was participated by President C. M. Chan, Commissioner of Inclusive Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Office of the Department of Justice Dr. James Ding, Secretary of the Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited Mr. Clement Tang, Chairman of eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited Dr. Thomas So and Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association Mr. José-Anthonio Maurellet, SC. In an exchange session, heavy-weight legal figures spoke on their valuable experience and offered their views on continuity of judicial independence. The panellists were former Secretary for Justice Dr. Elsie Leung, Director of Legal Aid Mr. Thomas Kwong and President of LAWASIA Ms. Melissa Pang. It is encouraging that this virtual event attracted over 140 registrants from 50 lawyers' associations.
Video recording of the event: